About Bullfrog Boats
Proudly Built in North America
Since 1997 Bullfrog Boats have produced more than 600 boats. The use of the most durable and reliable materials together with the latest production techniques made our product recognizable. Today Bullfrog Boats has become one of the most popular boats in the Northwest and gaining in popularity all over North America. It's tough to find a harbor that doesn't have a Bullfrog!
Bullfrog Boats are multipurpose boats. From yacht tendering, fishing, crabbing, and commuting, to professional diving, and even rescue. Bullfrog Boats always provide plenty of fun on the water. Our boats are factory assembled. Bullfrog Boat's accessories can be customized to meet your specific needs!
Feel Confident Arriving Safely To Your Destination

How are Bullfrog Boats Constructed?
Bullfrog Boats are manufactured with our customers’ safety in mind. Unlike the majority of inflatable boats on the market, our boats
are constructed using virtually indestructible, seamless polyethylene tubes with 30% internal flotation foam – creating a extremely stable and safe craft with five times the impact resistance of typical fiberglass boats.
All bullfrogs are built using the highest quality materials and modern manufacturing techniques. Precise CAD Engineering and computer
controlled laser and router cutting machines are used so quality is built in. Marine grade aluminum is used for the hull, transom
and lift eyes.
Maintaining Your Bullfrog Boat
Bullfrog Boats are a low maintenance craft that are easy to clean and maintain. To clean the plastic tubes, use a short bristle scrub
brush and Simple Green or other high quality cleaner. A pressure washer works well, but be careful near the logos to avoid damaging
them. If you get a stain on the Bullfrog, household bleach works well. The plastic will not be damaged by acetone, lacquer thinner or
any chemical solvents, but be sure to take appropriate safety precautions when using these products!
The aluminum hull requires minimal maintenance. Be sure to replace the zincs as required. If you decide to leave your Bullfrog in the
water and you wish to bottom paint the boat, a barrier coat to protect the aluminum hull from the bottom paint is required. Follow
paint manufacturer’s recommendation for paint application.